Ever since the Chanel fever shook Europe, expectations for Spain have been quite high year after year. Since Spain changed the concept of choosing a representative song, it was thought Spain could repeat the success of 2022. Blanca Paloma’s song was more than good, but unfortunately, the European audience did not recognize it.
Hoping to get a new Chanel again, we got Nebulossa with the provocative song Zorra this year. I did not expect something like this from Spain. The song is very intriguing and different. It starts with the sound of the 80s, and then the lyrics begin, which leaves no one indifferent. Although many will say that Zorra is an offensive song, I don’t see it that way, it tells the true story of many women which is a taboo subject.
I understand why the Spaniards chose this song, it’s very risky, it goes out of the box, it attracts attention and at the same time, it causes disgust and delight. The performance says more than 1000 words and will surely cause many reactions in Sweden. What bothers me is that the song sounds lethargic, everything is a straight line, and I think that’s not enough for the Eurovision competition.
The song is good, but I don’t think it can experience any great success at the competition. It’s great for everyday listening and enjoying that song, but it’s not competitive and I don’t think it can impose itself in the race for a good ranking. I think that the jury will be quite harsh towards this song and that it will be in the bottom five, but the audience can save the situation and enable the middle in the overall ranking. I expect that it will be in the top 20, but probably not more than that.
My rating for the song Zorra is 5.5/10