It has already become common that Germany never aims for the middle of the scoreboard at Eurovision but is either among the first or among the last. Various variants of selecting the representatives were tried, but it seems there is still not enough interest for a song to appear to compete for the win.
This year, Germany is represented by Isaak with the song Always On The Run. Unfortunately, before I could listen to the song, I saw a bunch of negative comments, anger, and indignation from fans that Isaak was chosen and not the fan favorite. Of course, no one blames the singer, but the system that chose the representative. The decision cannot be changed, so all that remains is to support Isaak.
The song is very average, the type of song we’ve heard countless times with average lyrics. The chorus is very weak, that is, it repeats itself. Towards the end, there is this gradation, the tension rises, but not enough to arouse any kind of reaction. Considering the reaction of the fans, I expected this to be the worst song ever, but it wasn’t. It will not win but it is not unworthy of Eurovision. This is not the worst that Germany can offer, we had many Eurovision “masterpieces”.
Isaak has a beautiful voice and I’m sorry that he doesn’t present himself with a better song. He has that James Newman vibe and if he had the right song, he could compete for the top 5. Will this song be bottom 5, very possible. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was: I’m sorry, zero points. I don’t even think the jury will be very fond of this song. The average is insufficient for any competitive result. My rating for the song Always On The Run is 5/10.